Monday, February 8, 2010

Tigers jump through hoops, NOT boxes!

Everyone has an inner "tiger" in them. Including you! Unleash it! Let them out, allow them to dominate life with all they've got!

Thats why I love tigers as animals and metaphoric creatures! Tigers are the only animal in martial arts that use their WHOLE body to attack, instead of just one part. They are also the most well rounded animal in terms of martial arts, they're great ground fighters and can also excel standing up.

Tigers "go all out" and let nothing stop them. Rhino's just go straight ahead, for one thing. Us tigers want it ALL! Why think in terms of boxes? Why "think outside the box" and be limited to four sides when you can think in terms of circles, and be aware of everything around you? In martial arts, the saying is "a circle breaks a straight line", which means any motion in a straight line can be offset or countered by a circular motion. In essence, lets drop the whole "box" mentality and adopt a different, success proven one!

Circles equal success, straight lines do not. A box is made of four of those!!! I see in terms of "circles of success", so why be limited to boxes?!?!

STOP allowing yourself to only see how everyone else does, in that "box" mentality. There is a reason why King Aurthur had a "round table". He knew that true success starts at any given point, and spreads outward. So let yourself start right now and think of this moment as your "success point", or "the moment you realized you needed to be successful, outside of everything 'ordinary' or 'conventional' ". Now allow yourself to focus on the idea of "spreading out", instead of "stepping/ thinking outside the box", because remember... we're not in a "box" mentality anymore so there is no box to step out of.

If everyone did this, we'd be a much more successful planet, nation, state, city, community and most of all, PERSON! Too many people are afraid to think in innovative ways. This is mine, and I'm sharing it with you, because "successful leadership" is teaching others how to succeed and excel in their own lives!

Forget the box! Define your "success point" and create your circle of leadership and positivity!

On a closing note: It's Monday! Let out that inner tiger and attack this week! Be a trail blazer in the jungle of life and set your path to a successful week!


I'd like to dedicate this post to the "Meeting of The Minds" participants...some of the most wonderful friends a person could ever have! I love you ladies and gents!

1 comment:

  1. You hit the nail on the head with this one Greg. Another great post!! "Meeting of the minds" 2010!!
